Monthly Archives: November 2024

How Bad Is It to Possess Gabapentin?
Your generation has never had it easy, but when old people tell you to be grateful for your youth, perhaps you should take heed. You might have aches and pains as the result of constant work and chronic sleep deprivation, but at least you are not feeling the effects of a lifetime of wear… Read More »

Does the Fourth Amendment Protect Your Smartphone From Warrantless Searches?
You might think that you know your family and friends well, but Google knows them much better than you do. Most smartphones reveal evidence of people’s thoughts and feelings that they do not tell even to the closest people in their lives. When your spouse or partner looks at information on your phone that… Read More »

What Happens If You Fail to Appear in Court After Getting Drug Charges?
Getting arrested on suspicion of drug crimes is an unpleasant experience even when it does not lead to incarceration, and most people who have experienced a drug-related arrest are eager to put the experience behind them as quickly as possible. If the police release you after arresting you or detaining you, it is not… Read More »

A Drug Possession Conviction Can Lead to Unlawful Carry Charges
Pursuant to a recent change to Florida’s laws, it is now legal for most people to carry concealed handguns in most places. The new permitless carry laws make it legal for you to carry a concealed weapon in places that allow concealed weapons, as long as you are eligible for a concealed weapons permit,… Read More »